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Stay on Target: The Mission of God and the Church - Monday September 12 | God's Mission: Shalom

Monday September 12 | God's Mission: Shalom

Posted by Kati Pessin on

September 12 | Read Genesis 1-2

Shalom. In a word, that is God’s mission. Shalom is the Hebrew word most often translated as “peace.” Shalom is what happens when everything is operating like it’s supposed to. When I think about shalom, I think about Louis Armstrong’s famous song, “What a Wonderful World.” 

When we read the creation accounts in Genesis, we learn that God created a world in which people knew Him, saw Him face to face, walked with Him, talked with Him. God even invited humankind to help take care of creation! From the beginning, it is clear that shalom in God’s creation means that He is known.  

We also see that God designed the world in such a way that everything He made would flourish. The sky and the seas knew where they belonged, and they played their part beautifully. Plants and animals were plentiful and healthy. Humanity had enough, and creation was well cared for.  Mankind was free to live without any shame or insecurity. Shalom in God’s creation means that everything God makes flourishes.

These two components of shalom are what God desired for His world. And as we’ll see over the next few days, these components of shalom are what God is on a mission to restore.  

Today, take a moment to consider and appreciate where you have experienced a taste of shalom. Maybe on a perfect afternoon at the ocean, in a long conversation with your kids, the first bite of a perfectly ripe nectarine. Maybe in a moment where you could sense God with you.

Thank God that He created a world that is to be characterized completely by shalom.